Someoneoneone reaches for a lawyer!
The site above was listed here in July 2002. Its owner was not pleased and decided to write to me. To make sure I got the message, he sent it to six email addresses. Only two of them were actually deliverable, so I only received two copies. I am not sure why he thought I needed to see it more than once. I don't know who Max is. From: "I AM J'lahn." Hi. Perhaps providing some additional personal background will help to clear the SHIT from your eyes? First of all, I have an MS (that's a Master of Science - not of Art, or of Wishful Thinking, or of "Loonery" - OF SCIENCE!) from a prestigious institute of higher learning in the Northeastern US. I went there as an undergraduate as well. It's all in my write-up if you want or need additional details (you know, the write-up you choose to link to AND MOCK? The one you've never really taken the time to read? You know, THAT write-up?). I'm a Systems Analyst and Project Manager in the IT department of one of the biggest companies on Planet Earth. My skills: XML-savvy (both XLANG and WSFL), data integration (Ab Initio) & EAI (Vitria), CRM (Siebel and PeopleSoft), systems life-cycle management (Remedy and Rational Rose), Knowledge Management and Natural Language Query (NativeMinds and AskMe), and Text-To-Speech (TellMe). This activity brings in about 95-110K per year (depends on bonus amount). I also make money by periodically selling off small parts of my extensive collection of Misprinted Stamps, Rare Paper Currency, Newsprint (prior to 1930), Mad Magazines, National Lampoon Magazines, Wacky Packages, Ugly Stickers, Star Wars Cards, Garbage Pail Kids Cards, Pre-1970 TV Guides, Pre-1970 Time Magazines, 8-Track Tapes, 33/45/78 RPM Phonograph Records, Collectible Glasses, and many other Sci-Fi and RETRO items. The most I've ever made from this activity: around 7K in a given year. I also inherited quite a bit of money from my grandparents (and several other rich relatives!). Not that the money part really means anything (to me at least) but you all seem to be struggling so much (I would guess financially as well), trying to EEK out an existence... trying so desperately to prove yourselves... and failing so miserably... so I just thought I would throw it in for good measure... And you must know (wait, you don't know, you have never read the write-up) that it's has been a REALLY long time since the act of simply seeing the number "111" really meant anything to me (at all). I make that statement for the benefit of any one of you creeps (or anyone your forward this to) who thinks that I'm just some guy who simply sees the number 111 all over the place. I'm not that guy. No, I'm not. I haven't been - for a VERY long time. If you take the time to read through the entire write-up and you see the progression of events, it is very clear that I did not go looking for 111. It found me. And it found me through a bizarre series of coincidences that actually began when I was THREE. The real question is this: where did my initial early 1980's experience with simply seeing 111 lead me? Well, it led me smack dab into the position of CLEARING HOUSE, ELDER SPOKESPERSON, SCRIBE, and RECORD KEEPER for not only people seeing 111, but for all people who have connected into a special number pattern. It also led me to Crowley and it led me to the Qabala. Ever heard of the Qabala? LOOK INTO IT (in your spare time between, ahem, your "clients" - HA!!!). But through it all, I think I have kept a balance that has eluded others. I have refrained from crowning myself as The Leader of anyone (or anything). "the 111 experience" is not a MOVEMENT or a CULT or a GROUP. It is simply my story. As a colleague and coworker of mine said recently "it is a divine yet not completely understood gift." That really sums it up. I really do see it as a gift. And, as the years go by, I have been going out on a limb and sharing it with more and more people. In fact, I put it out there for the whole world to see. Because it is The Truth. And it is Real. Don't get me wrong - I still think 111 is cool. WAY COOL. The fact that it's the binary representation of SEVEN is VERY COOL. But that's not ALL it is (as your oversimplified and nearly slanderous "blurb" attempts to state). The fact that it uniquely symbolizes All Trinities in a way that dazzles us with its simplicity is EVEN COOLER. It's not just Unity; it's Tri-unity - an encoded symbol for nearly ANY Trinity. I recognize the fact that the 1 means "ON" in the binary language of computers. So I see how 111 is very similar to ON-ON-ON (One-One-One? Get it?). The fact that we see Trinities and SEVEN cropping up across the Qabala , Eastern and Western Mystical Traditions, and the mainline Religious persuasions all across the globe is undeniable. And this may interest you too (he said sarcastically). I acquired a copy of "Sefer Yetzirah - The Book of Creation" from a local bookstore here in Lawrence. I learned that this was perhaps the most ancient of all the Qabalistic texts. It was reportedly written by Abraham thousands of years before Christ and seemed to have provided the foundation for almost every Western Mystery School tradition that ever was. Some of what I found: There are "32 mystical paths of Wisdom" ; The Universe was created "with Three Books, with text, with number, and with communication" ; There are "22 Foundation Letters: Three Mothers, Seven Doubles, and Twelve Elementals" ; "Twenty-Two foundation Letters: He placed them in a circle like a wall with 231 Gates" ; Numerous statements about the Three Mothers (the Hebrew letters Aleph, Mem, and Shin); "Three: Water From Breath." ; "Seven: Three opposite Three and one is the rule deciding between them..."; Many more references to Seven; "...One on Three, Three on Seven, Seven on Twelve, All are bound, one to another." Listen, if I thought for a minute that you including me in your "Loons" and "Cranks" pages was some sort of a lighthearted jab, I would be taking a different approach. But the truth is --- YOU JUST DON'T GET IT. I'm smarter than you! GET IT???!!! I'm wealthier than you! GET IT???!!! And I just don't fit into the boxes you've tried to jam me into! Bottom line is this: you're supremely annoying, you SUCK, your server problems were "mysterious" PAYBACK for adding me to your loon list, and finally, just so you really know where I stand: I won't engage in any additional dialogue with you unless I see that you're coming from a newly humbled, more sincere framework. As it stands now, I have written you all off as jealous, struggling-to-make-ends-meet assholes who may end up needing a lawyer if I see any additional bashings (of me) at your site(s). I have FREE LEGAL. Watch out. And you? You have been warned. I AM J'lahn. "the COMPLETED 111 experience of J'lahn: 1965-2000" Despite his extensive qualifications in the computer business, it seems that J'lahn was caught unawares by the phenomenon of email messages that come back if the addresses are wrong. I received two copies of this message as well. I suppose I should be glad that I didn't get 111 copies. From: "I AM J'lahn." FAKERBOY!!! ----- Original Message ----- > This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: J'lahn appears to have a problem with words as well as with numbers. I don't know why he would have difficulty with the expression "computer business", but perhaps he worked for one of those failed dot.con companies that worked with computers but didn't have a business. Also, he does not appear to have comprehended the messages in several places across the RatbagsDotCom site about how all the email address links on the site have been changed to fight spam. Yes, I missed a few, but any sentient being could probably guess that a place opposed to quack medicine which listed people called "Sam Hahnemann", "Daniel D. Palmer" and "Ignatz Peczely" as associated medical consultants might just possibly be joking. An "in joke", true, but a joke nevertheless. Subject: Unawares? Huh? What? At , Peter said the following: "Despite his extensive qualifications in the computer business, it seems that J'lahn was caught unawares [sic] by the phenomenon of email messages that come back if the addresses are wrong. I received two copies of this message as well. I suppose I should be glad that I didn't get 111 copies." And I said: "I got the addresses (you know, THE FAKE ONES, the ones that do not work) from your site, YOU SILLY ASS!!!" Quickly! Before poor Peter fixes it! Go here to see the imaginary people with their imaginary FAKE e-mail addresses: You're quite a piece of work there Peter (you lonely, pathetic, on-the-edge loser). You know, you're actually kind of like a marionette... in fact, go here: You're the shorter one. HA!!! I AM J'lahn. "the COMPLETED 111 experience of J'lahn: 1965-2000" p.s. --- and you calling it the "computer business" is a dead giveaway! NAILED! I hope you don't use that mid- 80s washed-up lingo with your "clients"! HA!!! "CLIENTS"!!! HA!!! That is sooooooo funny! And kinda sad at the same time... oh well... poor little Peter. Later, Puppetboy! The moron returns: Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 22:37:56 +0000 Hi there, PUPPET-BOY. Congrats! You finally updated the URL to my site! It only took you around 400 days (based on my "Quintessence of the Loon" broken link counter). And guess what? There's a new version of The Standard Reply! I thought you might want to post it on my page. You know, the page you made JUST FOR ME: I've made some updates to my salary data, my Knowledge Base Brag, and fine tuned some of the wording. Here you go: Ummmmm... no. Sorry, nope. You're just not paying attention there, simple one. I have a standard reply for folks like you. Here we go again! YOU ASS! Perhaps providing some additional personal background will help to clear the SHIT from your eyes? First of all, I have an MS (that's a Master of Science - not of Art, or of Wishful Thinking - OF SCIENCE!) from a prestigious institute of higher learning in the Northeastern US. I went there as an undergraduate as well. It's all in my write-up if you want or need additional details (you know, the write-up you choose to MOCK? The one you've never really taken the time to read? You know, THAT write-up?). My DAY JOB? I'm a Systems Analyst and IT Project Manager for one of the biggest companies on Planet Earth. My skills: XML-savvy (both XLANG and WSFL), data integration (Ab Initio) & EAI (Vitria), CRM (Siebel 7.5, PeopleSoft 8.0, MS-CRM 1.0), systems life-cycle management (Remedy and Rational Rose), Knowledge Management and Natural Language Query (NativeMinds and AskMe), Text-To-Speech (TellMe, Nuance), and ALL THINGS 802.11x. This activity brings in about around 100-115K per year (depends on bonus amount). I also make money by periodically selling off small parts of my extensive collection of Misprinted Stamps, Rare Paper Currency, Newsprint (prior to 1930), Mad Magazines, National Lampoon Magazines, Wacky Packages, Ugly Stickers, Star Wars Cards, Garbage Pail Kids Cards, Pre-1970 TV Guides, Pre-1970 Time Magazines, 8-Track Tapes, 33/45/78 RPM Phonograph Records, Collectible Glasses, and many other Sci-Fi and RETRO items. The most I've ever made from this activity: around 11K in a given year. I also inherited quite a bit of money from my grandparents (and several other rich relatives!). Not that the money part really means anything (to me at least) but you all seem to be struggling so much (I would guess financially as well), trying to EEK out an existence... trying so desperately to prove yourselves... and failing so miserably... so I just thought I would throw it in for good measure... And you must know (wait, you don't know, you've never read the write-up) that it's been a REALLY long time since the act of simply seeing the number "111" really meant anything to me (at all). I make that statement for the benefit of any one of you creeps (or anyone you forward this to) who thinks that I'm just some guy who simply sees the number 111 all over the place. I'm not that guy. No, I'm not. I haven't been - for a VERY long time. If you take the time to read through the entire write-up and you see the progression of events, it is very clear that I did not go looking for 111. It found me. And it found me through a bizarre series of coincidences that actually began when I was THREE. The real question is this: where did my initial early 1980's experience with simply seeing 111 lead me? Well, it led me smack dab into the position of CLEARING HOUSE, ELDER SPOKESPERSON, SCRIBE, and RECORD KEEPER for not only people seeing 111, but for all people who have connected into a special number pattern. It also led me to Crowley and it led me to the Qabala. Ever heard of the Qabala? LOOK INTO IT. But through it all, I think I have kept a balance that has eluded others. I have refrained from crowning myself as The Leader of anyone (or anything). "the 111 experience" is not a MOVEMENT or a CULT or a GROUP. It is simply my story. As a colleague and coworker of mine said recently "it is a divine yet not completely understood gift." That really sums it up. I really do see it as a gift. And, as the years go by, I have been going out on a limb and sharing it with more and more people. In fact, I put it out there for the whole world to see. Because it is The Truth. And it is Real. Don't get me wrong - I still think 111 is cool. WAY COOL. The fact that it's the binary representation of SEVEN is VERY COOL. But that's not ALL it is (as your oversimplified and nearly slanderous post attempts to state). The fact that it uniquely symbolizes All Trinities in a way that dazzles us with its simplicity is EVEN COOLER. It's not just Unity; it's Tri-unity - an encoded symbol for nearly ANY Trinity. I recognize the fact that the 1 means "ON" in the binary language of computers. So I see how 111 is very similar to ON-ON-ON (One-One-One? Get it?). The fact that we see Trinities and SEVEN cropping up across the Qabala , Eastern and Western Mystical Traditions, and the mainline Religious persuasions all across the globe is undeniable. And this may interest you too (he said sarcastically). I acquired a copy of "Sefer Yetzirah - The Book of Creation" from a local bookstore here in Lawrence. I learned that this was perhaps the most ancient of all the Qabalistic texts. It was reportedly written by Abraham thousands of years before Christ and seemed to have provided the foundation for almost every Western Mystery School tradition that ever was. Some of what I found: There are "32 mystical paths of Wisdom" ; The Universe was created "with Three Books, with text, with number, and with communication" ; There are "22 Foundation Letters: Three Mothers, Seven Doubles, and Twelve Elementals" ; "Twenty-Two foundation Letters: He placed them in a circle like a wall with 231 Gates" ; Numerous statements about the Three Mothers (the Hebrew letters Aleph, Mem, and Shin); "Three: Water From Breath."; "Seven: Three opposite Three and one is the rule deciding between them..."; Many more references to Seven; "...One on Three, Three on Seven, Seven on Twelve, All are bound, one to another." Listen, if I thought for a minute that your barbs were just some sort of lighthearted jab, I would be taking a different approach. But the truth is --- YOU JUST DON'T GET IT. I'm smarter than you! GET IT???!!! I'm wealthier than you! GET IT???!!! And I just don't fit into ANY of your pre-existing "boxes" - I never have!!! Hope you've found this update useful, Peter. And if you have any questions, please do let me know... I AM Jala*AN. p.s. --- You're quite a piece of work there Peter (you lonely, pathetic, on- the-edge loser). You know, you're actually kind of like a marionette... in fact, go here: You're the shorter one. HA!!! |
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