The owner of the above site was not pleased. I have attempted to include the original colours and fonts in the complaining email:
Dear Peter, it is regrettable to me to see a man you include God's golden web pages within his 'ratbag & loon' and 'anal' section. Yes, and you even try and 'hide' behind words that say 'I am not being critical in any way of this site, nor am I trying to influence people against it or damage it in any way.'

But you DO include it within the 'ranks' of those sites you personally believe ARE in the 'classification' sheet above, - - -
The Testament of Truth added February 6, 2004
There is now no excuse for being unprepared when the Second Coming comes. This masterpiece explains everything that you will ever need to know about what has been prophesised and what is going to happen. I am not being critical in any way of this site, nor am I trying to influence people against it or damage it in any way. How could I do these things when I have been told 'Let it here be known that any "person" who tries to "violate" my "person" or the content of this God's sacred web site by any "Act" of intrusion, or any person who "directs" any other to so do, will by God be deemed an "offender" in God's eyes and by their own deed as one to be eternally "despised" by the Source (God), and their eternal destiny decreed by God THE AUTHORITY shall be one of eternal misery in the Dark "Hell" land below, for this "note" as all else by me written, has been done to set you free'?
So for sure my heart 'aches' in the foreknowledge that for a time and a time you will NOT attain the land of eternal love. You may believe that I deceive, but you are 'stupid' if you think that our GOD is purely 'make believe.' Son our God does see all. Son the times comes when your heart will 'pall,' and I simply now ask of you to be to yourself 'just' and honourable and true.
By removing the 'text' above from your site as it is 'despicable' and an 'insult' to our God of Love AND the Devil below that IS self-empowered to 'show' ALL disbeliever's the 'distorted' and twisted land below.
I cannot 'do' anything 'contrary' to you, for I am not a 'ratbag' with non-conforming behaviour. For my behaviour is that 'asked' and commanded by God being: To only walk in peace and be merciful & forgiving to those yet as 'ratbags' living."
Friend, you are obviously a very 'smart' chap, but soon as you and all will see, very great forces will erupt in the manner given by ME, and they will more than 'rap' the knuckles of any that has or does yet walk as a 'ratbag' - - - behaving in a manner contrary to that commanded by their Creator.
PLEASE read the content of my 'Brief Summary' so that you can begin to help your MIND stay
KIND. Please tell your 'readers' that there IS one 'site' you know of that IS truthful and written by God's dove. This way you ENSURE that none are 'deviated' due to your disbelief.What you and ALL need to see is that it is not 'God' per se that sends their soul 'that' way or 'this' way, it is the
light or dark energy of GOD that lies within their soul that 'draws' their spirit TO its vibrational level and, - - -you are presently drawing in dark energy each day as YOU 'criticise' the way and beliefs of others.I would have it that you begin to 'win' your journey by being helpful to those that truly err. For I do know that you do share 'thoughts' from other realms that 'stir' your mind and set you on your road each day, and it is THEY I seek to reach so that THEY learn to no longer 'breach' God's HOLY WORD.
For any 'criticism' of others is a verbal
'sword' raised up and in using IT you 'soil' your own spiritual cup. I do wish you well dear Peter.Terry Malaher
The risen Messiah
Pyengana, Tasmania