Millenium Awards

Each year, the worst of The Millenium Project's target sites are given suitable awards. The awards are the Anus Maximus Award for the worst of the worst, and other awards in the Highly Commended and Encouragement Awards categories. The sites winning awards are ones that I remember and are not necessarily the worst sites here, because my brain and stomach could not take looking at and reading every one of the thousand sites again. Please note that "highly commended" is a prize-giving expression and does not mean either "highly recommended" or "highly commendable". Just the opposite, in fact.
A site can only win the Anus Maximus Award once, unless it undergoes a complete makeover and becomes in effect a new site. There is no limit to how many times a site can win in either of the general categories, although it would be exceptional for a site to win more than twice.
There is also an award for Quote of the Year. Again, except in exceptional circumstances the same person cannot win this award more than once. Personal attacks on me are not eligible, no matter how stupid or egregiously evil they are.
Winners each receive a tube of haemorrhoid cream and a wire brush applicator. Prize recipients must come to where I live at their own expense to collect their prizes, which will be awarded (including the haemorrhoid cream application) at public ceremonies in a busy commercial district at lunchtime. I will arrange press and television coverage.
Award winners are invited to mention the award on their sites and to display the award graphics.
2020 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – "Chef" Pete Evans
- Quote of the Year – Milo Yiannopoulos
- Highly Commended
- Innate Life Chiropractic
- "Dr" Billy DeMoss
- Solihin Millin
- Encouragement Awards
- Joint award to Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree
- Pentagon Space Aliens
- Tom Heneghan and Stewart Webb
- Conspiracy believers – all of them
2019 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Tay's Way Movement
- Quote of the Year – Meryl Dorey
- Highly Commended
- Pete Evans – Healthy Everyday
- Goop – Gwyneth Paltrow
- Crazy Mothers
- Encouragement Awards
- Climate change deniers – All of them
- Anti-vaccination liars – All of them
- Infowars – Alex Jones
There were no 2016-2018 awards because The Millenium Project took a sabbatical year or two (three?) off after 17 years of activity.
2015 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Dr Judy Wilyman, Professor Brian Martin and the University of Wollongong
- Quote of the Year – Justice Perry, talking about Homeopathy Plus!
- Highly Commended
- The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy
- The Institute of Noetic Sciences
- Operation Save America
- Encouragement Awards
- Advanced Medical Institute
- Australian anti-vaccination liars
- Diaper Free Baby
2014 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Mountain View Organic Dairy
- Quote of the Year – "Nutritionist" and author Cyndi O'Meara
- Highly Commended
- Conspiracy – And suppressed & hidden information (Carole Hubbard)
- RMIT University – Complementary Medicine
- The Food Babe
- Encouragement Awards
- Complementary Medicines Australia
- Homeopathy Plus! (Fran Sheffield)
- Joint award – Westboro Baptist Church and the Eisenstein Medical Centers
2013 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Dr Stanislaw Burzynski
- Quote of the Year – Cowardly anonymous anti-vaccination liar
- Highly Commended
- Doctor's Data
- Between Two Worlds – Debbie Malone
- Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: The best possible start
- Encouragement Awards
- Fair Dinkum Radio
- Direct Selling Association
- Australian Vaccination Network
2012 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – National Rifle Association
- Quote of the Year – Sherri Tenpenny
- Highly Commended
- Chiropractic Board of Australia
- Judy Wilyman
- Lavoisier Group
- The Heartland Institute
- Encouragement Awards
- Australian Underground Technology Bases
- Shuzi Qi
- The Doctor Within
There were no awards announced for 2011, for reasons which don't matter any more.
2010 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Fran Sheffield – Homeopathy Plus!
- Quote of the Year – Carole Hubbard – Conspiracy theorist
- Highly Commended
- Mike Adams – Health Ranger
- Gary Null – Vitamin overdoser
- Encouragement Awards
- Power Balance
- Fountain of Beauty (Meryl Dorey's makeup business)
- Advanced Allergy Elimination/Allergy Pathway
2009 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – National Vaccine Information Center
- Quote of the Year – Jim Carrey
- Highly Commended
- Mike Adams
- Jonathon Emord – Lawyer
- Power Balance
- Encouragement Awards
- Australian Vaccination Network
- Kent Hovind
- Joseph Ierano – Chiropractor
- Conservapedia
- Creationwiki
There were no awards made in 2007 or 2008. This was not because there was nothing bad enough but because I had other things on my mind at the relevant times.
2006 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Joseph Mercola
- Quote of the Year – The otherwise anonymous MaxC
- Highly Commended
- The Scientific Proof of God
- Gentlebirth/Spontaneous Creation
- Encouragement Awards
- Vaccinations Harm Psychic Abilities
- The Lesbian Studies Institute
- Annwn Publications – Gnosticism, Evil, Aliens, Ufos, Prophecy, Conspiracy
2005 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Alive & Well
- Quote of the Year – Curtis Tocco, "Majusmaximum", "JB"
- Highly Commended
- The Discovery Institute
- The Role of Colon Cleansing in a Natural Treatment Program for the ADD/ADHD Child
- Encouragement Awards
- Reverse Speech – Voices From The Unconscious
- Diabetes Australia
2004 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – National Child Abuse Defense & Resource Center
- Quote of the Year – Professor Boyd Haley
- Highly Commended
- The Westboro Baptist Church (God Hates Fags)
- Cancer Monthly: The Source for Cancer Treatment Results
- Encouragement Awards
- Sylvia Browne
- Betting scams
- The Creation Research Society and The Van Andel Creation Research Center
2003 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Citizens Commission on Human Rights
- Quote of the Year – Marcus Blackmore
- Highly Commended
- Jole Wallach and Dead Doctors Don't Lie
- Coalition for Safe Minds
- Macquarie University Department of Health & Chiropractic
- Encouragement Awards
- Christian City Church
- Hal Turner Show
- Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia
2002 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Benny Hinn Ministries
- Quote of the Year – Jaquelyn McCandless
- Highly Commended
- Martin Luther King Jr. – An Historical Examination
- The Medical Escrow Society
- Non Pharmaceutical Health Care and Unique Water
- Encouragement Awards
- CLONAID – the first human cloning company
- American Pie and the Armageddon Bible Prophecy
- KKK Art Gallery
2001 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Australian Vaccination Network
- Quote of the Year – T. Baker
- Highly Commended
- Hindu Unity
- John Edward, Psychic
- The "Free Yurko" Campaign
- Encouragement Awards
- Raw Meaty Bones
- Constancy of the Velocity of Light
- Violent Christians
2000 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Thomas Navarro Appeal, an advertising site for Dr Stanislaw Burzynski
- Quote of the Year – Some nameless anti-vaccination liar
- Highly Commended
- Dinosaur & Human Footprints Together
- BoyLove Forum
- Jasmuheen's Cosmic Internet Academy
- Gasatomic fuel saving device
- Encouragement Awards
- Nexus Magazine
- Multi-Level Marketing in general
- Army of God
1999 Winners
- Anus Maximus Award – Viera Scheibner – Shaken Babies or Vaccine Damage?
- Highly Commended
- The Army of God
- The North American Man-Boy Love Association
- Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums
- Valerie Solanas' SCUM Manifesto
- Blacks and Jews Newspage
- Encouragement Awards
- Amway/MagnaBloc
- Westboro Baptist Church (God Hates Fags)