CCRG Correspondence File – The Statistics
The 141 versions of my name
Mr O'Neill has been very inventive, and has created many versions of my name.
666-ditch aboutassmartasabagofhammers ditch ADDDitch amoeba-ditch anal-ditch Anti-Ditch anus-ditch Arseditch assditch ass-ditch Bankrupt-Ditch barf-ditch bill-gates-wanna-be-(as if)-ditch blight-ditch blowditch blow-ditch blowhard-ditch BowFuck BowSucker Brain-Dead-Ditch Bruce-Ditch bugger-ditch bumditch buttditch buttfuckditch butt-plug-ditch can't-resist-opening-my-big-fucking-mouth-ditch can't-see-the-forest-for-the-hate-ditch censored-ditch cocksucker-ditch complete-fucking-loser-ditch convict-ditch coward-ditch cowditch criminal-ditch Deathwatch-ditch defamation-ditch Defend-Ditch DimDitch Disgusting-Ditch Dog-Ditch Dumb-Ass-Ditch Dumb-Ditch dumb-mother-fucker-ditch Dumbwitch dummy-ditch enema-ditch fat-bastard-ditch Faux-Ditch fecalditch feces-ditch Flame-Ditch flatulence-ditch Fobditch freak-ditch frigditch frigger-ditch Fucked-Ditch Fucked-In-The-Head-Ditch fucked-up-ditch fucker-ditch fucking-asshole-ditch Fudge-Packer-Ditch gone-ditch GoonDitch halperidol-ditch Has_Been_Ditch Has-Been-Ditch hate-ditch HeadInjury-Ditch history-ditch i like to fuck dead rats-ditch imbecile-ditch i'm-not-to-blame-ditch Infarction-Ditch Kiddie-Porn-Ditch kook-ditch lameditch less-than-zero-ditch LiarDicth liar-ditch Loser-Ditch maggotditch memory-ditch merd-ditch merde-ditch Merdewitch mister ditcho moron-ditch mother-ficker-ditch mother-fuckerditch motherfucker-ditch mouth-ditch mungditch nixon-ditch nobody-gives-a-shit-ditch Obesseive-Ditch obsessive-ditch Outta-Work-Ditch Over-And-Out-Ditch paxil-ditch pedo-ditch pedophile-ditch peter_arse_ditch peterbumditch peter-phile PETERratBITCH porn-ditch ratbitch Rat-bitch rat-ditch rat-fuck ditch really-really-fucked-ditch recidivist-ditch rectal-ditch re-ditch retard-dicth scepto-ditch scumditch Scum-Ditch sharp as a marble-ditch sharp-as-hammer-ditch shit-ditch SkankDicth skankditch small-ditch smart-as-a-bag-of-hammers-ditch smart-as-a-booger-ditch smegma-ditch snotditch sphincterditch spineless-ditch SternDitch stunned-ditch stupid-ditch stupid-mother-fucker-ditch SuckDitch Too-Much-Time-On-His-Hands-Ditch turd-ditch What a fucking moron-Ditch zoloft-ditch
And one last thing … (4/5/2013)
I hoped it wasn't someone playing a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw this news in the Ottawa Citizen on April 1.

Yes, folks, the beloved William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and its descendants has gone to the great cesspit in the sky, taking the Gutless Anonymous Liar with him. Sadly, he died quickly and not of cancer. I posted a message to his memorial guest book, but unfortunately some technical glitch prevented it from being published.

I will maintain my own memorial to him here by archiving his correspondence with me and also the wonderful messages he sent wearing his Gutless Anonymous Liar mask. It would be a tragedy for this valuable collection of literature to disappear.