CCRG Correspondence File – The Statistics
The 24 tribute web sites
Mr O'Neill enjoys making web sites about me. I enjoy mirroring them here so that everyone can join in the fun.
- Version 1 – The Canadian Cancer Research Group (Copy taken on March 7, 2000)
- Version 2 – The Canadian Cancer Research Group (Copy taken on December 8, 2000)
- Version 3 – Peter Bowditch & Gebesse & The Millenium Project (Copy taken on November 26, 2000)
- Version 4 – Misinformation, Libel, Slander, Fraud and Defamation by Terry Polevoy, Stephen Barrett, and Peter Bowditch on the Internet. (Copy taken on December 8, 2000)
- Version 5 – Barrett, Polevoy & Bowditch (Copy taken on January 17, 2001)
- Version 6 – Disclaimer by the Canadian Cancer Research Group (Copy taken on April 24, 2001) Note that someone else's company name was used to open a Tripod account to create this page. It talks big about legal action. None has been initiated, but in the highly unlikely event that it does happen, the apparently fraudulent use of someone else's business name will be of much interest to the court.
- Version 7 – Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Computer Consutlants, and as a member of the Australian Computer Society, propagtes hate, libel and defamation on the Internet (Copy taken on August 1, 2001)
- Version 8 – Stephen Barrett of, Terry Polevoy of, Peter Bowditch of (Copy taken on October 12, 2001)
- Version 9 – Stephen Barrett of, Terry Polevoy of, Peter Bowditch of (Copy taken on November 24, 2001) Observe the use of someone else's company name on the Tripod account.
- Version 10 – Stephen Barrett of, Terry Polevoy of, Peter Bowditch of (Copy taken on November 25, 2001) A revision of the previous day's effort, still using someone else's company name.
- Version 11 – Stephen Barrett= Charlatan Terry Polevoy= Fraud Peter Bowditch= Liar (Copy taken on November 29, 2001)
- Version 12 – Liars, Charlatans & Frauds (Copy taken on November 29, 2001)
- Version 13 – Barrett Polevoy Bowditch (Copy taken on November 30, 2001)
- Version 14 – Peter Bowditch is a Liar! (Copy taken on December 31, 2001)
- Version 15 – Barrett, Polevoy & Bowditch? (Copy taken on February 6, 2002)
- Version 16 – What do Stephen Barrett of, Terry Polevoy of and Peter Bowditich of have in common. (Copy taken on February 9, 2002)
- Version 17 – What do Stephen Barrett of, Terry Polevoy of and Peter Bowditich of have in common. (Copy taken on February 10, 2002) A second attempt.
- Version 18 – Three Blind Mice (Copy taken on February 18, 2002)
- Version 19 – Private Emails Sent by Peter Bowditch (Copy taken on February 20, 2002)
- Version 20 – Barrett, Polevoy & Bowditch: Criminals, Liars, & Charlatans (Copy taken on February 22, 2002)
- Version 21 – Peter Bowditch of Gebesse Computer Consultants (Copy taken on February 23, 2002)
- Version 22 – Who is Stephen Barrett , Terry Polevoy and what is a Peter Bowditch? (Copy taken on March 3, 2002)
- Version 23 – The Facts about: Stephen Barrett, Terry Polevoy and Peter Bowditch (Copy taken on June 24, 2004)
- Version 24 – Barrett, Polevoy & Bowditch: Criminals, Liars & Frauds (Copy taken on December 8, 2004)
And one last thing … (4/5/2013)
I hoped it wasn't someone playing a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw this news in the Ottawa Citizen on April 1.

Yes, folks, the beloved William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and its descendants has gone to the great cesspit in the sky, taking the Gutless Anonymous Liar with him. Sadly, he died quickly and not of cancer. I posted a message to his memorial guest book, but unfortunately some technical glitch prevented it from being published.

I will maintain my own memorial to him here by archiving his correspondence with me and also the wonderful messages he sent wearing his Gutless Anonymous Liar mask. It would be a tragedy for this valuable collection of literature to disappear.