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A kinder and gentler 2015

At the start of 2004 I instituted a "kinder and gentler" policy for dealing with people with whom I might not normally be friendly. During 2004 the policy was reactive – I was kind and gentle when replying to critics. I extending the policy for 2005 to become proactive, and regularly reached out to people with whom I might not be in agreement.

The Proactive Policy takes the occasional holiday, but it's back for 2015. Under the policy, I write to people to ask them questions to clarify their positions or to point out problems with their arguments. By doing this I hope to establish a dialogue and to demonstrate my commitment to tolerance of their views. Here are the 2015 efforts at diplomacy and friendship.

Kind and Gentle email collection
2004 and 2005 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2015 | 2019 | 2021

True colours (3/1/2015)
Here are some anti-vaccination liars showing respect. The picture needs no comment from me, but try to remember it if anyone ever suggests that these despicable creatures have any value to humanity.

As I wouldn't want to defame anyone unnecessarily, I have sent the following Kind and Gentle messages through Facebook.


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