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The illustration is "Attempting the Impossible" by René Magritte
(click on the picture to see a larger version.)

These are sites where the idiocy is supported by an appeal to science. The madness of the Recovered Memory and Satanic Ritual Abuse campaigners is included here.

The Green LightSee some answers to scientific nonsense here and here.

You can go here to see  articles I have written about pseudoscience, and here to see  articles by other people.

The Millenium Bookshop has  books about pseudoscience (and real science).

There are sites listed in this category.

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(The symbol Comment shows that there are some comments here about the site.)

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard
Dinosaur and Human Footprints Together
Doctors Are Dangerous – Elaine Hollingsworth
Dowsing Pendulums and Divining Rods – Chris Gozdzik
Dr Bruce Goldberg the hypnotherapist
Dr Horowitz – Aids, Ebola, Vaccines – Leonard Horowitz
Dr Rima Reports – Rima E. Laibow
Ecstatic Trance Postures – Laura Lee
Educate Yourself – Ken Adachi
Educate Yourself – Ken Adachi
EMR Australia
The Enigma Channel – Christopher Everard
The Enterprise Mission – Richard Hoagland
Environmental Working Group
Fishing |
Fluoride: Protected Pollutant or Panacea?
Future Generations
Gaia Health – Heidi Stevenson
Gasatomic fuel saving device
Gentlebirth – Jock Doubleday
Geoengineering Watch – Dane Wigington
Goop – Gwyneth Paltrow
Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International
Health and Wisdom – Leo Rebello
Healthy Food Doesn't Have To Taste NASTY!
Heartland Institute
Heretical Press
Hippocrates Systems, Holistic Health, Vaccination Detox, VIDS (vaccine induced diseases), Reverse Diseases – Rebecca Carley
How to successfully launch a chiropractic practice
Infowars – Alex Jones
Institute for Creation Research
The Institute for Responsible Technology – Jeffrey Smith
Institute of HeartMath
The Institute of Noetic Sciences
The International Association of Past Life Therapists – Carole Carbone
International Coalition for Drug Awareness
James Van Praagh
Jeff Rense
John Edward – Psychic
Journal of the International Society for Fluoride Research
Laundry Ball :: Your environmental alternative to harsh chemical cleaners
Lavoisier Group
Lutec Australia Pty Ltd – John Christie & Lou Brits
MADGE – Mothers Are Demystifying Genetic Engineering
Matrix Energetics Healing Seminars – Dr. Richard Bartlett D.C., N.D.
Metatech: Top class information on aliens, mind control etc. – Stephanie Relfe
Mountain View Organic Dairy
NASA Moon Landin (sic) Hoax – Aulis Publsihers (sic) – David Percy

1-50 | 51-100 | 101-
(The symbol Comment shows that there are some comments here about the site.)


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