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CCRG Correspondence File – Part 10

1 January 2002 to 15 February 2002

The rest of the CCRG Correspondence File
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(Part 12 is the main CCRG Correspondence File page)

Google ArchiveThe symbol at left indicates a link into the Google archives for newsgroup messages.

As Google seem to have irrevocably broken the Usenet archive service, links have been disabled. Maybe they will come back some day.

Wherever possible, I have cited the originating IP address for each message. An analysis of these sources can be found here.

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Re: Kidney/Liver Flushes
Date: 1 Jan 2002 08:24:04 -0800


or maybe you're attributing these and other posts to the wrong person... but you wouldn't know that...would you?.....or maybe you do....but since you're an obsessive compulsive, you simply can't stop's rather sad......

i wonder what would happen if you were proven wrong....that would be a new expereince for you?.....we'll see


Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Re: Kidney/Liver Flushes
Date: 1 Jan 2002 14:05:11 -0800

<snip message from me saying that Mr O'Neill writes like Mr O'Neill when pretending to not be M' O'Neill>

as usual, bowditch's flawless logic prevails...... one would suppose that since bowditch "writes" like harold robbins, he must be harold will be most interesting to watch bowditch and his "team" of expert lawyers argue with the same sort of "winning" logic in a court of law should mr. o'neill or any of bowditch's victims decide enough is enough....

and incidentally, bowditch, you claim to have received a phone call from one you of your victims.....really?.....prove it....oh you can' are the liar...

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Peter Bowditch is an Idiot
Date: 1 Jan 2002 15:16:53 -0800


yes do that! point and attribute to mr. o'neill?...and your proof would be? oh you don't have any proof do say your proof is what you publish...what you publish? don't get any of you...poor stupid man......


and your proof of a telephone call would be?....oh...again no proof...oh, i "said" he called....and that's your proof?....poor stupid man...

let's get this straight for a moment....just because you say something happened or occurred, without any proof whatsoever, to you it's a let's backdrop what you have to "say" as a matter of fact against your website, emails, and usenet let's bring your $10M US libel, defamation and racketeering action into the see the picture that's developing?.....oh you don't?'s the picture:

you have reputation for being:

a liar
a libelist
a defamor
a charlatan
a quack
a criminal
and, of course, a right wing lunatic....

mmmmmmmm......this is all fact for which there is an abundance of evidence/proof published by you on your website......

poor stupid unemployed uneducated man.....

Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 00:45:43 -0600
Subject: Please confirm your subscription to Happyfruit.NET
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This is an automated message. Please do not respond to this message.

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Didn't work last time. Didn't work this time. Won't work next time.

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Peter Bowditch is Gone?
Date: 7 Jan 2002 09:15:53 -0800

It appears Bowditch will be looking for another ISP, yet again. Seems his site and its' content were even too much for BigPond Telstra to handle.

The really sad part of all of this will be that it will all no doubt rise again. Seems Bowditch has more time on his hands than the average "Bruce", given his recidivistic unemployability and psychosis. He will be back. Great fun though in having him present for another opportunity to kick him in the nuts.


"BigPond Telstra", known to themselves and others in the real world as "Telstra BigPond", have nothing to do with this web site. They do, however, provide my telephone connections and cable modem Internet access. This site was unreachable for a short while as the real hosting ISP implemented some technical changes, and by remarkable coincidence two of the phone calls I received while it was down were from Netaus (the people who actually host the site) and Telstra. The man from Netaus rang to wish me Happy New Year, tell me about the technical problems, and ask my advice on another technical matter. The lady from Telstra rang to tell me that I was going to get a 5% discount on my phone bill from next month for being such a good customer. Need I point out that this site is still here?

Google archiveFrom: (Lawrence Silverstein)
Subject: Re: Peter Bowditch is Gone?
Date: 7 Jan 2002 16:32:27 -0800

<snip Mr O'Neill quoting himself>

Nice try QuackBusters!

I'd like to take as much credit for this as possible. You see dear Quackbusters, it twas I who harassed the shit outta Telstra who finally gave in and admitted Bowditch had been the cause of many legal actions joining Telstra in libel and defamation actions. My hat, however, is tipped to a number of un-named Australian Computer Society member who referred to Bowditch as a festering sore on the ass of the society and was quite helpful in navigating the Telstra complaint system. In fact, one member went on to say "although we have, for some time, considered Bowditch the village idiot, even they become tiresome".

See you in St Louis Has-Been-Ditch!

Lawrence Silverstein

Not long ago Mr O'Neill was telling everyone that Optus had closed me down. Now he says it is Telstra. Is he going to work his way through all of the telecommunications suppliers in Australia? Perhaps AAPT will close me down next. They will have as much interest, and as much success, as the other carriers who have nothing to do with me.

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Bowditch is fucked?
Date: 10 Jan 2002 18:52:48 -0800

seems telstra/bigpond has dunped mister complete-fucking-loser-ditch and (his new isp) is about to do the same....? whyy you might ask?...look at his site...his photo...his wife's photo...belinda's photo?

poor stupid uneducated unemployed man.....

bye bye...


Well, it looks like it is going to be, not AAPT. Observant people might like to look at the IP address and compare it to where "Lawrence Silverstein" posted from when he said that he did a better job than "Quackbusters". Mr O'Neill mentioned my family in his first ever email to me. It didn't work then, and it won't work now. In a remarkable coincidence, the Gutless Anonymous Liar wrote to me eight minutes before Mr O'Neill sent this message and GAL used the word "fucked" in the subject line as well. Strange.

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Re: Bowditch is fucked?
Date: 11 Jan 2002 11:40:56 -0800

<snip usual quote of entire message>

here's the real test for mister convict-ditch....prove your allegation that i am mr. o'neill......tip:

proof in the legal sense, mister liar-ditch, is're invention of ip addresses, spoofing of ip adresses, or use of hijacked email accounts doesn't count here or in a court of law....soooo....publish your proof....

what's that you say? you have no proof?

poor stupid uneducated unemployed man


Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Re: Peter Knows the Facts?
Date: 11 Jan 2002 12:43:02 -0800

<snip usual quote of entire message>

bowditch's "commentary", which reads more like the rantings of a schizoprhenic, serves to demonstrate his adaptable standards....when, in his deluded mind, he perceives an alternative medical theme, all is bad; when conventional, all is good....he has no facts, or capacities to identify facts, or understand facts, so his drivel is always reduced black and white, good and bad...when a child dies at the hands of conventional care, to bowditch it is a horrible tragedy shared by the good doctors...when a child dies at the hands of alternative care, to bowditch the doctors should be buggered and burned.....what bowditch fails to grasp is that a child has died....but like most right-wing-lunatics he has no capacity to see beyond his hate and myopic view.....

he raises as argument tyrell dueck....tell us mister bowditch what facts do you know of concerning this case.....?....tell us about the treatment recieved by tyrell at the allen blair cancer centre.....tell the about tyrell's response to that treatment.....tell us about the results of tyrell's pre-treatment chemo-sensitization assays....tell us about the pathology report and the rate of mitosis per high powered field and lymphocytic proliferation.....tell us the lifetime survival rate for stage iv osteosarcoma with lung mets by conventional the literature.....tell us the facts concerning tumor autologous vaccination for stage iv osteosarcoma....tell us where the trials took place....tell us about how tyrell's lungs mets disappeared after his first "alternative" treatment...and tell us what loma linda reported on their first mri post "alternative" treatment....

you can't, can you?....because you have no facts...but you draw conclusions without facts, don't you?.....and why would that be? is it because you're a hateful unemployed little man with an axe to grind?.....or is it because you're a bigot?......or is it because you wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass?....

so tell us the facts about tyrell dueck..... oh you can't......


Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Re: Bowditch is fucked?
Date: 12 Jan 2002 07:07:20 -0800

<snip complete previous message>

and you proof is?...... oh, when i review your site, you clearly infer this liar you refer to is mr. o'neill, so it would reasonbale to assume you are telephoning mr. o'neill and issuing death threats to him ....i'm sure mr. o'neill and his lawyers are following this and many other threads..... and again, small-ditch, please provide us with know...evidence...and remember Ip addresses are inadmissible....

oh you can't, can you?

poor stupid uneducated unemployed man

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: The Real Facts About Peter Bowditch
Date: 23 Jan 2002 18:48:12 -0800

Of the 3,480 posts in usenet mentioning Peter Bowditch, 2,040 refer to him as a liar, fraud, libelist, defamor, idiot, asshole, retard, moron, imbecile, lunatic, hate-monger, criminal,.....We think you get the picture.

1440 of the 3,480 posts are authored by Too-Much-Time-On-His-Hands-Ditch, which translates into an approval rating of less than 5% when one considers that 1387 of his posts have elicited such wonderfully positive support. Further, mister congeniality-ditch has managed to elicit an average of 6 violently unsupportive responses per post.

If we consider that the sampling has some semblance of statistical accuracy, we can then conclude that greater than 95% of the population who know him want to throttle the shit out of him, and an equal number, who might have the great misfortune of meeting him, would want to similarly throttle him.

Further examination of these posts reveal published facts as follows:

Bowditch is a liar.
Bowditch is a fraud.
Bowditch is a libelist.
Bowditch is a defamor.
Bowditch is a criminal.
Bowditch is bankrupt.
Bowditch has a porn site.
Bowditch invents email.
Bowditch invents usenet postings.
Bowditch hacks web site.
Bowditch steals Ip adresses.
Bowditch hijacks email accounts.
Bowditch misprepresents.
Bowditch is psychotic.
Bowditch has heart disease.
Bowditch beats his wife.
Bowditch issues death threats.
Bowditch has no clients.
Bowditch is a fool.
Bowditch can not self-monitor.
Bowditch is a sicko.

These are not opinions. These are facts published in usenet, so they must be true. Right? These are facts that are published on other web sites, so they must be true. Right?

All the above information is entirely consistent to the standards and tests applied by the great man himself. In other words, in Bowditch's twisted little world, should some psychotic invention blow through his episodic unmonitored "mind" it must be true. And, by some twist of fate, should these thoughts end up on his web site, they must be true.

The epilogue to the story of his great nothingness is a quote from the Executive Director of the Australian Computer Society, Dennis Furini:

"I don't know what's wrong with him, but there's definitely something." "I don't know why he has such a disgusting website." "Please accept the apologies of the Australian Computer Society, and, in fact, all of Australia."

To know mister paxil-ditch is to want to______________________________ (fill in the blank)


Google archiveFrom: (Belinda Bowditch)
Subject: My dad is not well and I need advice.
Date: 24 Jan 2002 11:23:58 -0800

Hi I'm new to this group and have a question about my father.

I'm 12 years old and live Australia. My father, who is quite a bit older than I am is having problems. He hallucinates all the time and thinks bad people are always after him and he hears voices coming out of the toilet. He's gone to a lot of doctors and they tell him he should have brain surgery. My dad doesn't want to have surgery again. He recently had a quadruple bypass and if fed up with surgery.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Belinda Bowditch
New South Wales

You would imagine that by now Mr O'Neill would have worked out that bringing my family into this is not going to make me go away.

Google archiveFrom: (Belinda Bowditch)
Subject: Re: My dad is not well and I need advice.
Date: 28 Jan 2002 19:12:55 -0800

<snip comment from Dr Polevoy, someone else whom Mr O'Neill doesn't seem to like>

Dear Dr. Polevoy:

I think you missed the point. I was asking for assistance for my father. But since you've jumped in I thought I might get your learned opinion and perhaps some unqualified input. You see my father not only has this problem of hearing voices talking to him from the toilet but his complexion is rather ragged after years of booze, cigarettes, an advanced case of syphillus, not to mention a metastatic malignant personality. I understand that you have invaluable expertise, and persoanl experience, in all of these areas of medicine and that in fact you know everything. I went to your web site and note that you prescribe Accutane and antibiotics for everything. So my question is, do you think we should give daddy Accutane and antibiotics or simply stuff a shotgun up his ass to end our misery?

Thank you so much Dr. Polevoy for your endless support and help during these difficult times.

Belinda Bowditch
New South Wales

I must ask Belinda why she keeps ringing Canada to connect to the Internet. First Golden Triangle and now Sympatico. Mr O'Neill needs to try harder (and spell better) if he is going to impersonate my daughter.

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: So where's Bowditch?
Date: 30 Jan 2002 18:25:54 -0800

Peter Bowditch of that giant of e-commerce Gebesse Computer "Consultancy" (wha dat?), porn king extraordinaire of, member of the Australian Computer Society, convenor of the Paramatta Tennis Embargo, father of Belinda "what's wrong with my daddy and what's he doing with my unicorn?" and beater of weary/dreary wife Virginia is gone? Where has he gone? He' still posting 'cause he's pissed. He's still pissed 'cause he can't figure out how to sleep in his bed. He's still making up excuses: "I'm not stalking. I'm not harassing. I'm not libeling. I'm not defaming. I'm not inventing facts. I'm's him."

Seems disconnected mister smart-as-a-booger-ditch and pulled the plug on his ISP for reasons unknown to us? Not really. and, pretend ISP's of mister porn-ditch's invention, are gone: no line=no broadcast.

Those of you sympathetic to mister i'm-not-to-blame-ditch can make donations by telephoning 1-800-history-ditch.

See you in Manila flatulence-ditch.


There were technical problems at the ISP which hosts this site. The fact you are seeing this demonstrates that these problems have been fixed.

Google archiveFrom: (Belinda Bowditch)
Subject: Re: A First -- Dr. Barrett Recommends A Supplement!
Date: 1 Feb 2002 16:16:22 -0800


Dear Daddy:

As usual you've missed the point. Kirk Koka-Kolas is studying to be a vet becasue he couldn't get into medical school. Peter Moron, on the other hand, has a wee bit of getting even to do after having his licence suspended, again.

And besides, Daddy, you know you're full of shit because everytime I get sick Mommy takes me to see Dr. Swiggums, our naturopath.

Incidentally, Mommy called and said she's staying with her sister again until you sober up.



Google archiveFrom: (Belinda Bowditch)
Subject: Re: So where's Bowditch?
Date: 1 Feb 2002 16:21:29 -0800


Dear News Group:

Today the police were at our house again. Daddy insists there are nasty and bad people out to get him, so he attacks them and makes things up on the internet that are all lies. He also sends himself emails using other peoples names. The poliec have been invovled and at our house a number of times because of him.

So if you get emails from my Daddy, or if he pretends to be you or your friends on his terrible web site, just ignore him. That's what Mommy and I do at home when he drinks alot and starts screaming at me and Mommy.

Belinda Bowditch
New South Wales

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Re: So where's Bowditch?
Date: 2 Feb 2002 11:16:11 -0800

Bowditch you must be the stupidest man in Australian, extremely wealthy, or judgement-proof.(More likely the first and third.) You continue to openly libel and defame this guy O'Neill on the internet, yet you haven't one fact to prove your claims.

So here's the challenge (if not for O'Neil then for the rest of us reading your scat):

Post proof that O'Neil has emailed you or posted to a newsgroup about you or in response to you.

You'll likely not be able to produce a shred of evidence. And, perhaps, should you invent and lie, as in the past, you will post the usual dceptions. In the event you perceive some semblance of fact in any of your lies, please feel free to post....


Mr O'Neill has been creating more tribute pages about me. You can see the collection here. Here is the message I received telling me about one of them:

From: ""<>
To: ""<>
Subject: "Come visit my web site!"
Date: 9 Feb 2002 14:50:01 GMT

This email is being sent to you from the website notification service at Tripod.

You can see my new site here:

Let me know what you think and then go pound fucking sand you cocsucker!!

Build your own web site at

Google archiveFrom: (Terry Polevoy)
Subject: Public Message to Peter Bowditch
Date: 9 Feb 2002 09:36:45 -0800

Mr. Bowditch:

This is my last notice to you. Stop, I repeat stop!, publishing materials about myslef and Dr. Barrett at I note that you have included yourself on this site thinking it might distract me from the source. It hasn't!

You are a complete moron. Your sites are disgusting. And you should be banned from the internet!

Terry Polevoy

Dr Polevoy has his own email address and uses that whenever he wants to write to me.

Google archiveFrom: (Shannon England)
Subject: Re: In Memoriam
Date: 9 Feb 2002 10:28:08 -0800

Mr. Bowditch:

I will ask you once and only once: remove the materials on your web site concerning my deceased wife.

Shannon England

The real Shannon England is the husband of Olympic curling gold medallist Sandra Schmirler who died in 2000 after telling the world that Mr O'Neill was going to help her with her cancer. I imagine that if Mr England had anything to say to me he would write privately, not to a newsgroup.

Click to see messagePosted to the Cancer Alternatives community at MSN:

From: "terrypolevoy" <>
Subject: Re: My Introduction
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 17:39:41 -0800

hello peter bowditch!

i agree with everything you have to say and everyhting on your web site i also agree with everything i have to say on in fact if you don't like what peter has to say or what i have to say you can go fuck yourself because if it's not conventional medicine , then it's crap!

 stephen barrett may be a lunatic, but he's my kind of lunatic!

terry polevoy

This would normally go on the Gutless Anonymous Liar page, but the email address is one that Mr O'Neill has used before. I assume that GAL is not pretending to be Mr O'Neill.

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Bowditch the Liar, Libelist & Defamor – Polevoy the Dull Normal
Date: 15 Feb 2002 05:17:09 -0800

for those of you missing out on the fun with blow-ditch and pole-a-goy, please refer to http://www.communites.msn/ALERNATIVEHEALTHandHEALING

seems they are conjoined at the sphincter? there was a plan to seperate them, but it appears only one would survive since they're sharing one asshole...

let's watch blow-ditch blame and pole-a-goy lather...

by the way, blowditch recently soiled his depends when an australian politico visted his web "site" and sent the great man a letter of inquiry.....our rabid friend claimed he was inncocent and it was all in good fun? eh?....seems the politoco was neither impressed nor satisfied and has decided to pursue matters further by corresponding with some of barf-ditch's victims....wonder what's going on? stayed for dummy-ditch's denial....


I eagerly await the copy of the "politoco's" "letter of enquiry". Mr O'Neill must have it, otherwise how would he know what it said.

Subject: TimesAndSeasons -- confirmation of subscription -- request DecemberX
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 09:07:04 -0500

TimesAndSeasons -- confirmation of subscription -- request 497476

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Didn't work, did it?

From: "Subscription Confirmation" <>
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Subject: Subscribe Weimaraner-H DecemberDecember
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 07:06:10 -0700

Subscribe Weimaraner-H EBSPQJWHGC

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This confirmation process is used for all subscriptions to this list and helps ensure that people are properly subscribed.

Could this be a coincidence? No it couldn't.

Click to see messagePosted to the ALTERNATIVE HEALTH and HEALING community at MSN:

From: "Dr.Bob.Underhill" <>
Subject: Re: You're Invited to my Web Site
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 05:26:36 -0800

Mr. Bowditch: Be assured that in the event my name appears on your website, I will sue your demented ass.

It must me a coincidence, though, that Mr O'Neill mentioned this MSN community less than 10 minutes BEFORE "Dr Underhill" wrote this message.

A picture of William, my foolish but not quite demented donkey
William, my foolish but not quite demented donkey

Google archiveFrom: (Quack Buster)
Subject: Update on Bowditch the Liar & Polevoy the Dull Normal
Date: 15 Feb 2002 20:21:10 -0800

seems the spincter twins are a little more than peeved at our last post and the fact that truth is now getting in the way their facts....both anuses, or is that ani?, are feverishly emailing each other wondering where the lions are....and begging barrett to send a statement of claim to anybody?...anybody at all......bowditch, in the meantime, spends most of his time scurrying the internet looking for "libel" while poke-a-goy dreams of lancing this great big festering mess he finds his greatness in, while trying to kill the pain by smoking accutane in his crack pipe...

message to bowditch:

go fuck yourself.....

message to poke-a-goy:

time to apologize to rod......


And one last thing … (4/5/2013)
I hoped it wasn't someone playing a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw this news in the Ottawa Citizen on April 1.

Yes, folks, the beloved William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and its descendants has gone to the great cesspit in the sky, taking the Gutless Anonymous Liar with him. Sadly, he died quickly and not of cancer. I posted a message to his memorial guest book, but unfortunately some technical glitch prevented it from being published.

I will maintain my own memorial to him here by archiving his correspondence with me and also the wonderful messages he sent wearing his Gutless Anonymous Liar mask. It would be a tragedy for this valuable collection of literature to disappear.

The rest of the CCRG Correspondence File
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
(Part 12 is the main CCRG Correspondence File page)


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