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Home >CCRG Correspondence File > Part 11
16 February 2002 to 30 April 2002
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(Part 12 is the main CCRG Correspondence File page)
The symbol at left indicates a link into the Google archives for newsgroup messages.
As Google seem to have irrevocably broken the Usenet archive service, links have been disabled. Maybe they will come back some day.
Wherever possible, I have cited the originating IP address for each message. An analysis of these sources can be found here.
On 17 February, 2002, I received a card containing the following message:
Observant people will notice that this site is still here. Mr O'Neill has said "goodbye" many times before this, and I confidently predict that he will say it many more times. In fact, you can always check the latest count here.
From: quackbusters@hotmail.com (Quack Buster)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Great new web site!
Date: 17 Feb 2002 13:27:25 -0800
delighted to bring to you http://doctordummies.tripod.com.... an enlightened view to antagonize and frustrate barrett, poke-a-goy, and blow-ditch....
for barrett, poke-a-goy, and blow-ditch: there are over 100 mirrors sites of doctordummies and over 100 other fun sites....this should kept the three of you out of trouble for awhile...
Mr O'Neill keeps making these sites, yet I do not go away. In fact, I reproduce them here so that all the world can see them. I make a promise to Mr O'Neill that if, as he says, there are 100 copies of this latest tribute site out there, I will link to each and every one of them from this site and I will publicise them as much as I can. Maybe then he will realise that I will not go away just because he chooses to publish lies about me.
From: quackbusters@hotmail.com (Quack Buster)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Great new web site!
Date: 17 Feb 2002 19:20:05 -0800
<snip message from me about my "criminal record">
excuse me?...your own government says your a criminal...so you must be a criminal!
I suppose it would be futile to ask where my government said such a thing.
From: quackbusters@hotmail.com (Quack Buster)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Great new web site!
Date: 17 Feb 2002 19:32:16 -0800
<snip quote of message from me saying that I would publish Mr O'Neill's tribute site>
mr. o'neill?...more lies from liar-ditch!.....
here's a challenge for mister liar-ditch:
prove, once and for all, that mr. o'neill is me...
proof, liar-ditch, is something that is prima face...acceptable to the courts....real evidence...not some invention of your twisted criminal mind... (remember pathologies are pathologies...pathologies are evidence of illness.......(your site, as an example, is evidence of your illness, not of fact or proof)
by the way you complete and utter lunatic, your re-write of our site addres is as exactly as we posted...but like most things they get twisted and warped in your totally fucked mind....
by the way...how's "gebesse" doing these days?....how are those contracts with the feds going?...what's that you say?...contracts few and far between?...wonder why?...could it be they've had a "heads-up" about you?...could those who care have seen your acts of lewd behavior (website)...and decided that you're such an utter "fuck-up", having anything to do with you or "gebesse" (what a "witty" name?) would be a bit of a "cock-up"....seems holston's not impressed?....why don't you share with the group liar-ditch?
I wonder who "holston" is.
From: quackbusters@hotmail.com (Quack Buster)
Newsgroups: alt.paranormal, alt.astrology, misc.health.alternative, talk.religion.newage, sci.skeptic
Subject: Re: Randi's Flaw
Date: 17 Feb 2002 19:41:01 -0800
<snip message from me that had nothing to do with Mr O'Neill>
hey liar-ditch of gebesse computer consultants....wha' dat?
you're gonna need the money to defend yourself in your latest action?
(anticipated response from mister nixon-ditch):
"I've not been served by anyone...I am not a criminal...I am not an animal....I'm Australian.....?"
ya ya ya.....we've heard it all before
here's the slow typing part 'cause...well you know...
you are a complete fucking asshole.... you are a pompous cock-up..... go away....before we sue you again....
It is rather presumptuous of Mr O'Neill to talk about suing me "again". You can't do something "again" unless you have done it before.
From: quackbusters@hotmail.com (Quack Buster)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Great new web site!
Date: 19 Feb 2002 18:40:35 -0800
<snip message which Mr O'Neill could find no suitable response to>
seems others are interested in liar-ditch's seedy past....
see http://liarditch.tripod.com
Yawn! Another tribute site. It has been reproduced here so that people can continue to look at it even after Mr O'Neill takes it down.
From: quackbusters@hotmail.com (Quack Buster)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Great new web site!
Date: 19 Feb 2002 22:02:17 -0800
<snip traditional complete quote>
".....publish lies..."?
and where are the lies criminal-ditch?
it's all true...liar-ditch!
duh? go ahead and link.....tell the world what a liar and bigot you are....
Somewhere about 20 February, 2002, all messages posted by "quackbusters@hotmail.com" were removed from the Google archives. Mr O'Neill has claimed that he did not do this. If this is the case, I do not know who did it or why. It certainly was not me, as I have no interest in destroying evidence. As I have copies of all the messages (including full headers), the archive will be rebuilt on this site over the next few weeks.
X-Originating-IP: []
From: "quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: He runs into the night, screaming with fear, and pissing himself laughing
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 21:54:58 -0500
interesting....liar-ditch suggests that quackbusters nuked itself?....that would be like when bowditch shot his greatness in his own ass when an executive committee at the australian computer society nuked his proposed tirade on internet harassment when they realized bowditch was not the harassee but rather the harasser....seems the idea of promoting harassment, libel and defamation on the internet is not quite what the society was looking for....poor stupid liar-ditch....
another interesting nuke fact......
barrrett, aka doctor ex-expert, was recently nuked from oncolink.com at the university of penn.....seems the good university noted that doctor ex-expert was nothing more than a whore-mongering fart-catcher fronting for the more unsavory internet talents of anti-anything.....all references to barrett and his hate-crusade have been nuked from all databases and library references but maintained in hardcopy as evidence....?
message for barrett and liar-ditch:
please don't stop........reaching more people simply means more people become aware of the fact that you're both lunatics....
From: silverstein_lawrence@hotmail.com (Lawrence Silverstein)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: He runs into the night, screaming with fear
Date: 21 Feb 2002 09:23:57 -0800
This what would be referred to as a lie. But in the same breath as Bowditch, that would be redundant.
Since it is generally understood that Bowditch is synonymous with liar, we can now refer to those who have lied in this group as having bowditched.
According to Google.com, Barrett, lunatic hate-mongerer, Polevoy, lancer of boils, and Bowditch, liar-criminal, have ganged up on poor Quackbusters and had all relevant posting nuked. What are our good friends afraid of...Inquiring minds want to know.
Lawrence Silverstein
As Mr O'Neill must be aware by now, if I were afraid of him and what he has to say I would hardly reproduce it all here. I am not happy about the "quackbusters" rubbish being removed from Google as the Google archive provided an independent record suitable for use as evidence in court.
From: silverstein_lawrence@hotmail.com (Lawrence Silverstein)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: He runs into the night, screaming with fear
Date: 21 Feb 2002 14:10:17 -0800
Mark_ProbertBLOCKER@hotmail.com (Mark Probert) wrote in message news:<3c75424f.17140974@News.CIS.DFN.DE>...
Please get a mind, first, then learn how to use it...
wow....is this he same probert that carries out all sorts of criminal activities against ilena rosenthal....if so, your input is invaluable...
the really freaky part of all this is when one queries child welfare sites in australia, bowditchs name pops up.......
when one queries all of the various state licensing boards, including archives, barretts name is nowhere to be found......
when one queries poking-goys, and narrows serach to lunatic stalkers on probation, polevoys name loops.....
by the way probert, everything on rosenthals site about you is true....
From: silverstein_lawrence@hotmail.com (Lawrence Silverstein)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Great new web site! Tribute to Barrett, Poke-a-Goy and Liar-Ditch!
Date: 21 Feb 2002 14:44:51 -0800
More fun!
As Mr O'Neill posted this message very soon after the tribute site was created, he can no longer deny that he is making the sites. This also makes him the author of the message below.
From: "Your Admiring Fans!"<barpolbowaction@hotmail.com>
To: "rsoles@ratbags.com"<rsoles@ratbags.com>
Subject: "Come visit my web site assholes!"
Date: 21 Feb 2002 22:40:52 GMT
This email is being sent to you from the website notification service at Tripod.
You can see my new site here: http://doctorfreaks.tripod.com/
Let me know what you think and then go fuck yourselves!!!
Build your own web site at www.tripod.com.
From: "Quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Great new web site! Tribute to Barrett, Poke-a-Goy and Liar-Ditch!
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:20:55 -0500
sorry it was Liar-Ditch......
From: "Quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: He runs into the night, screaming with fear
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:28:17 -0500
the question is not whether anyone is afraid of you Liar-Ditch...but rather...why do you deny:
being "ditched" by the australain computer society? being removed from a society poster for presenting how to become an internet defamor, libelist, and fraud-artist? having a criminal record? being sued?
by the way.....we're all waiting for "proof" that i'm mr. o'neil...
you know Liar-Ditch...proof? what's that you say?...oh you have no proof?
just to recap your earlier comments:
your delighted in posting on your wbe site usenet postings that really don't exsit other than on your web site, but they really were on usenet one time, but they aren't now 'cause you think they did 'cause you think one time you saw them so you copied them, and you didn't make them up.....
great defence...in fact brilliant
From: "Quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Great new Barrett, Polevoy & Bowditch Web Site!
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:30:38 -0500
Come and join in the fun in poking at mad dogs at:
From: "Quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: He runs into the night, screaming with fear
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 20:19:58 -0500
here's another interesting fact about bowditch:
bowditch was recently purged like a used urinal puck by the australian computer society for behaviour unbecoming for a human being......
so Liar-Ditch, try something new....be honest...share with us...tell us how the society permanently purged you.... let us share your pain
I keep inviting Mr O'Neill to share the correspondence he has with the Australian Computer Society about me. He can't send what he hasn't got.
From: "Quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Why is Liar-Ditch obsessed with O'Neil
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 20:23:47 -0500
it's clear Liar-Ditch is not well...but what's with the obsession....o'neil has never communicated with Liar-Ditch....despite Liar-Ditch's unbelievable claim that o'neil telephoned him?......what evidence does Liar-Ditch have?
From: "quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Bowditch Bombs in Computer Consutling!
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 12:50:38 -0500
Great news!
It appears that Peter Bowditch aka Liar-Ditch is throwing in the towel! Gebesse Computer Consultants is about to be no more. Instead he and his lovely wife "Virginia" are opening Gebesse Travel! Their great new site can be found at http://www.gebesse.com.au/travel/index. They will offering international travel to pedophiles at all of the hot international pedophile sites.
The genesis of the great man's move out of computer consulting was motivated by two critical issues:
1. Gebesse went mams up.
2. Bowditch had engineered such a reputation for himself that no one would hire him to plug in their computer let alone "hire" him or "consult" with him.
The straw that broke the dingo's back was when he was recently sent packing by the Australian Computer Society. And like most good news, it traveled very quickly and what little work the now defunct "Gebesse" may have had on the horizon....the rest they say is history.
What the remarkably dumb man doesn't get is that he did it to himself. But that's what pathologies are all about.
We can't say will miss Liar-Ditch, 'cause we won't. And you can't say you'll miss us, 'cause we shall offer great support and then similar sympathies as you will most surely manage to sink another "Gebesse" ship.
From: "quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Bowditch Bombs in Computer Consutling!
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 12:59:35 -0500
<snip complete quote of Mr O'Neill's previous message>
for those of you interested in Bowditch corporate porn site for Gebesse Computer Consultants see: http://www.gebesse.com
The domain name "gebesse.com" is registered to someone in Canada (a coincidence?) and has nothing to do with me.
From: "quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: We now own http://www.peterbowditch.com and....
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 19:04:37 -0500
today, in honour of our dear friends stephen barrett, terry polevoy and peter bowditch we bought:
our tributes will be enduring...
Mr O'Neill was a little premature when he announced that he had bought the domain name. He can be assured that I will remind him of this frequently.
From: "quackbusters" <quackbusters@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Great new web site! Tribute to Barrett, Poke-a-Goy and Liar-Ditch!
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 19:40:19 -0500
the purpose is to have you worry? no...it's to piss you off, and your stupid-head friends..... and we know you're pissed, and we know that a certain pseudo-doctor, known as "that asshole" is pissed, and we know barrett sent judith out for more depends...
by the way we note that bowditch, barrett, and poke-a-goy are now begging for money?....what's that about?.... it's all coming together...isn't it?......barrett gone from oncolink....polevoy reduced to blathering and bowditch trying to find a lawyer...
From: "nova" <woneillk@sympatico.ca>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Clarification....for Liar-Ditch
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 22:01:46 -0500
we know we sent you off the trail with the alston bit (it was intentional)...it's really holston....and he's out for blood.....
we've provided his office with everything he needs to deal with you (including logs and various affidavits)......and we were most cooperative.....seems the "good man" wants to make an example, and you're the perfect candidate.......
one interesting, and unexpected element of this delightful matter was having the opportunity of getting to know the real "Peter Bowditch"....? it was quite satisfying reading all those other letters of complaint/demand and statements of claim.....and knowing we are not alone......seems Liar-Ditch has managed to create a reputation that exceeds all expectations.......so much so that australian regulators are developing new regulations that will allow them to bring criminal charges against those who "bowditch" on the internet....
seems not only will bowditch be remembered for his other "criminal" charges, but also for having influenced regulatory and legislative change at the federal level in australia.......perhaps his next move might be to circulate in public.....and then there will be legislation pending for.....
congratulations Liar-Ditch for making it easier for the rest of us to sleep at night......1 down and 1.5 to go.......
barrett is still off oncolink.......
(you can thank us)
I have no idea who "holston" is. There is no member of the Australian Parliament (either in the Senate or House of Representatives) with this name.
From: "nova" <woneillk@sympatico.ca>
To: "HealthFraud"
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 18:29:05 -0500
Subject: [healthfraud] unsuscribe me now!
get me off this fucking list! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Learn how to be permanently suspended! email healthfraud-faq@lists.quackwatch.com
Having trouble unsubscribing? email healthfraud-unsubscribe@lists.quackwatch.com
Want email access to archives, etc? email healthfraud-help@lists.quackwatch.com
Web access to the archives of the list: <http://www.ssr.com>
For some reason Mr O'Neill seems to have missed the information which appears on the bottom of every message distributed through the Healthfraud mailing list, so he wrote to the list itself.
From: "hghdfgh"<bob@aol.com>
Subject: "Come visit my web site!"
Date: 4 Mar 2002 02:08:21 GMT
This email is being sent to you from the website notification service at Tripod.
You can see my new site here: http://freakdoctors.tripod.com/
Truth is a strange thing?
Build your own web site at www.tripod.com.
Mr O'Neill is slipping. This tribute site was loaded up here for all to see several hours before he wrote to tell me about it. I am so embarrassed by these things that I publish them as soon as possible so that more people can see them.
From: silverstein_lawrence@hotmail.com (Lawrence Silverstein)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Is Child-Beating a form of Conventional Healthcare?
Date: 3 Mar 2002 18:21:11 -0800
Apparently it is and it's okay to beat the living crap out of one's young daughter because, in Australia, it's the standard of care?
Poor Belinda Bowditch, daughter of inventor, libelist, defamor, Peter Bowditch, arrived at school, again, somewhat battered and brusied. The net result of sending poor Belinda, just short of bloody and bleeding, to school was a visit to the "domicile" of the great man and his stewed wife. NSW Children Services have placed the family under a supervision order and will be visited and inspected at the whim of the services. Both Bowditch's have been advised that should Belinda show any signs of abuse, she will be made a ward of the crown. This isn't the first time for the great man. In a previously, short-lived and violent relationship, Bowditch and his first wife lost two children to the crown.
Seems our good criminal can't even manage to keep himself sober enough to send his child off to school without beating the hell out of her.
One day Mr O'Neill will realise that attacking my family will have only half the effect that all his other forms of harassment have had put together. Half of nothing is zero.
From: "nova" <woneillk@sympatico.ca>
Subject: Greetinx from 'Lamerz! hate ring'
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 15:46:20 -0500
JavaScript_MailBomber_Says=wE h8 aLl yOu DaMn lAmErZ!
When Mr O'Neill decided to mailbomb me using some amateur's website, he must not have noticed the warning. I only received two copies, so it wasn't a very effective bombing session.
From: silverstein_lawrence@hotmail.com (Lawrence Silverstein)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Defamation case in North Dakota tops $3 million
Date: 4 Apr 2002 04:18:44 -0800
there's lesson here for doctor poking-fun and peterphile blow-ditch, but their repsective pathologies will no doubt get in the way...
lawrenve silverstein
Mr O'Neill was referring to a court case about defamation on the Internet. His use of silly, abusive distortions of people's names suggests that he has missed the point,
From: silverstein_lawrence@hotmail.com (Lawrence Silverstein)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Defamation case in North Dakota tops $3 million
Date: 4 Apr 2002 18:45:27 -0800
It would be a lesson, if it were Mr. O'Neil.
Just for fun, as part of your obsession for "catalogues", "catalogue" "Gebesse" billings of late. What's that? Oh yes, things are drying up aren't they?
Your former clients, limited as they were, are not impressed. Seems it's hard for a libelist, defamor, fraud, mispresenter, and identitfy thief to find work.
Lawrence Silverstein
The irony of Mr O'Neill calling anyone an identity thief (or even an "identitfy thief") would not be lost on anyone who looked at the list of email addresses he has used to talk to or about me.
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Terry Polevoy, Peter Bowditch, Stephen Barrett?
Date: 19 Apr 2002 15:31:12 -0700
I'm new to usenet and have been browsing. I have some questions and would appreciate some answers. Let me give you a bit of background first.
I'm a biometrics researcher with the Canadian government. My interests include healthcare outside of our socialized medical model. I'm also interested in exploring how healthcare consumers view medicine that is new and revolutionary. What intrigues me in this group is the amount of unqualified opinion that distorts fact from fiction. This brings me to the subject of this post.
I have viewed the sites of the subject and was surprised at the amount of emotion and subjectivity expressed by the owners. In digging further I was unable to find anything other than:
1. Peter Bowditch posts that Terry Polevoy, aka "Dr. Poke-a-Boy" is being sued by William O'Neill.
2. Terry Polevoy seems to have many baseless conclusions.
3. Stephen Barrett is not an expert.
Given my general unfamiliarity with usenet etiquette and protocol and to sites of the nature of Polevoy's, Barrett's, and Bowditch's, my big question is:
If they guys are for real, why haven't they been brought to account for the intentional mispresentation of fact and the very clear cases of libel and defamation for which they are so obviously culpable?
Thank you.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D, Medical Sciences
Hotmail account, posting through Google, connected through Sympatico, talking about me, Dr Polevoy and Dr Barrett. Are there enough clues there?
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Terry Polevoy, Peter Bowditch, Stephen Barrett?
Date: 20 Apr 2002 08:28:10 -0700
Hi! Again.
Here are some observations concerning responses to my usenet post:
1. It took Mr. Bowditch only 17 minutes to apply his trade.
2. Polevoy doesn't understand culpable.
The point of my usenet posting was to elicit response from those within this group who habitually displace fact and truth in their obsessive need to assert their subjective position in matters for which they have no requisite understanding or facts to support that understanding. Further to this, is the proliferation of misinformation, information manipulation and distortion within the internet and the attendant effect upon healthcare consumers.
For the past number of months I have been following the internet activites of Polevoy, Bowditch and Barrett in preparation for a discertation that I am presenting at a world healthcare conference on breast cancer and the internet this summer. This latest foray into "cyberspace" has provided me with ideal materials that I will be sure to quote. And for Dr. Polevoy, at that time, I will address your cupability.
Thanks to everyone, and particularly Mr. Bowditch. I think you'll agree, he is quite an able man and cooperative patient.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D, Medical Sciences
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Terry Polevoy, Peter Bowditch, Stephen Barrett?
Date: 21 Apr 2002 17:13:52 -0700
I did a search on Medline and could find no published medical research by anyone named Annie McNaughton. I wonder if she is a sociologist, or psychologist. Does anyone know this person. I believe she may be in the Ottawa area.
Good dog Terry, Sit! Stay!
Annie consults for the an insurance company that insures doctors and works for the federal government at Health Canada.
Good Terry. Sit! Stay!
Get the ball.
Thank you Terry. You have been most cooperative. We were just trying to prove a point and we did. The point has been observed and recorded.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D, Medical Sciences
Mr O'Neill must have forgotten for a moment who he was pretending to be, hence the lapse into the third person. I also notice the use of the royal plural, a device often used by the Gutless Anonymous Liar. It must be a coincidence.
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Terry Polevoy, Peter Bowditch, Stephen Barrett?
Date: 23 Apr 2002 19:29:05 -0700
Hi! Again.
My point (bait) has been well taken, I see. However, it appears the prey didn't get it. I suppose it's time to spell it out for Polevoy, Bowditch & Barrett.
This little exercise was to demonstrate a point. The point is the absence of fact, truth or evidence is a breeding ground for ignorance. The measure of ignorance is number of times the ignorant go for the bait:
Barrett = 0
Bowditch = 4
Polevoy = 6
Polevoy clearly wins as the most ignorant. However, Bowditch gets 2 extra points for repeating himself 2x's. So we have a tie. Ilena is disqualified because she has a real beef since Polevoy owes her money.
A closing point for Polevoy (who Bowditch most endearingly refers for as "Dr Poke-a-Boy on his site https://ratbags.com/rsoles):
You are culpable for libel and defamation on your website. That means you are accountable and liable for what you publish. When you are sued, the Canadian Medical Protective Association will not pay for your legal fees. This is something "Poke-a-Boy" is aware of because he was notified to this effect by the CMPA.
Thank you all for your partcicpation and contribution.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D, Medical Sciences
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Terry Polevoy, Peter Bowditch, Stephen Barrett?
Date: 24 Apr 2002 19:37:24 -0700
Hi! Again!
In anticipation of Dr Polevoy's attempt at being "witty", I have prepared the following:
After many queries throughout the internet I have learned the following about Dr Polevoy:
He has been referred to as:
Dr Pole-a-Goy
Dr Poke-a-Boy
Dr Lunatic
Dr Zit-Meister
Dr Zit
Dr Dummy-Voy
Dr Loony-Goy
Dr Wanker-Voy
Dr Auccu-Toy
Dr Dildo-Toy
Dr Wanka-Voy
And my favorite:
Dr Poking-Fun
My apologies to the group, but I just couldn't help myself.
As for Peter Bowditch, I have counted over 200 pseudonyms. Although most are not terribly becoming, after reveiwing his sites in some detail, most are quite appropriate.
By the way Terry, should you want to reach me, please email me at anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com. I'd be delighted to chat with you in person to tell you what a complete fool I think you are.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Terry Polevoy, Peter Bowditch, Stephen Barrett?
Date: 26 Apr 2002 20:39:36 -0700
Peter Bowditch <peter@ratbags.com> wrote
debbee1023@aol.com (DEBBEE1023) wrote:
Actually, I think it is actually a good thing, that whomever this is came up to the plate and took a swing, it makes some people nervous!!! And obviously it worked!!!
Mr O'Neill did not make me nervous when he first emailed me in February 2000 and called me "an incredibly dumb fuck" and made remarks about my wife.
Mr O'Neill did not make me nervous when he told me that I was being taken to the World Court for libel.
Mr O'Neill did not make me nervous when he called me a "rotting pederast".
Mr O'Neill did not make me nervous when he said "in order to spawn such a shovel-face like your daughter, belinda, you'd have to fuck a women as ugly as your wife, virginia, up the ass".
Mr O'Neill did not make me nervous on any of the 56 occasions that he has announced that my web site had been closed down or the 58 times that he has declared me bankrupt.
Mr O'Neill did not make me nervous when he made the web page which you can see at https://ratbags.com/rsoles/onews/tripod/02/
And Mr O'Neill certainly did not make me nervous when he started calling himself "Annie McNaughton".
But, Debbee, please feel free to support him. After all, he is an alternative medicine practitioner.
The foregoing was anticipated and expected from Bowditch. My initial post was intended to elicit the best from the three most uninformed and ignorant posters within this group. All arguement by Polevoy, Bowditch and Barrett is reduced to infantile name-calling, blaming, identitfy theft, impersonation, libel and defamation.
As a matter of background, readers should be aware that Polevoy developed a pathology for "alternative medicine" after poorly plying skills he gained through a rocky fellowship with Josef Kropp on his unsuspecting wife.
Bowditch, on the other hand, has transferred his stalking skills to the internet and has been criminally cyber-stalking various victims for years; his most famous and distant being William O'Neill. Bowditch has been investigated numerous times by Australian authorities, and his stalking efforts of Australian citizens was cut short some time ago by authorities. He is renowned for his trade outside of Australian jurisdiction. His reputation is about to suffer a blow (as though is could possibly withstand another).
Stay tuned.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
From: carteblanche007@hotmail.com (CarteBlanche)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Terry Polevoy, Peter Bowditch, Stephen Barrett?
Date: 27 Apr 2002 15:21:03 -0700
anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton) wrote
This message is for Polevoy:
So you want my phone number? So you can stalk me like so many other women? Like Christine McPhee? Like Dr. Liz Anderson-Peacock?
Keep it up Polevoy and I will add the stalking to my complaint with the police, the CPSO, the OMA, the CMA, and CCFP.
You are disgusting and vile little man whose time is running out.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D., Medical Sciences
Polevoy started stalking me at my store some months ago. I filed a complaint with the local police and a restraining order was issued. He's been ordered to stay away from me; to stop sending me emails; and to stop telephoning me. He's also been told that if he violates these orders a bench warrant will be issued for his arrest.
As for Bowditch, the guy's a complete arsehole. Ignore him or sue him!
Connected through Sympatico, posting through Google, Hotmail address, full moon. What more evidence is needed?
From: anniemcnaughton@hotmail.com (Annie McNaughton)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Terry Polevoy, Peter Bowditch, Stephen Barrett?
Date: 29 Apr 2002 14:38:55 -0700
One little question and so many responses!
What I have learned from this little exercise is:
1. Polevoy shouldn't be allowed to ply his trade on dead things.
2. Bowditch has a new name: Bowshit
3. Barrett is either dead or brain-dead.
4. Polevoy, Bowditch and Barrett's spirit incite such support and confidence for the naysayers of alternative medicine. They provide such strong arguement and evidence that one would have to be:
a) out of their minds to pursue alternative medicine.
b) a murderous zit doctor from Canada to pursue alternative medicine.
c) or a convicted pedophile from Australia to pursue alternative medicine.
Thank you all for your particpation.
This is my final post.
Annie McNaughton, Ph.D, Medical Sciences
But it wasn't "Annie's" final post was it?
And one last thing … (4/5/2013)
I hoped it wasn't someone playing a cruel April Fool's joke when I saw this news in the Ottawa Citizen on April 1.
Yes, folks, the beloved William P O'Neill of the Canadian Cancer Research Group and its descendants has gone to the great cesspit in the sky, taking the Gutless Anonymous Liar with him. Sadly, he died quickly and not of cancer. I posted a message to his memorial guest book, but unfortunately some technical glitch prevented it from being published.
I will maintain my own memorial to him here by archiving his correspondence with me and also the wonderful messages he sent wearing his Gutless Anonymous Liar mask. It would be a tragedy for this valuable collection of literature to disappear.
The rest of the CCRG Correspondence File
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
(Part 12 is the main CCRG Correspondence File page)
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